Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Video top de la semana:

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Englishyappr.com ha publicado recientemente los siguientes nuevos videos, cada uno completamente transcrito en Inglés y con una segunda pista de audio. Ver videos en Englishyappr es una excelente manera de mejorar tu Inglés. Aprende palabras que no conoces haciendo click sobre ellas. Utiliza la voz clara si tienes problemas para entender cualquier video, y repite los videos en voz alta para tener una única oportunidad de recibir retroalimentación y mejorar tu pronunciación. Cuanto más ves y hablas, más aprendes.

Promo Code of The Week: WEEKLYPROMO

Cyndi Lauper "True Colors"
True Colors is the second album by 1980s icon and singer Cyndi Lauper, released in 1986.
Mr. Mister - Broken Wings
Broken Wings" is a #1 hit song released as a 1985 single by the band Mr. Mister. The band's first single from their 1985 Welcome to the Real World album.
Sir James Galway Masterclass - Breathing
A lesson in breathing technique from virtuoso fluatist James Galway.
Boy Scout Commercial Plain Version
One person can make a difference. Are you that person?
Scientific Method
Another video on the proper way to go out about the scientific method.
I Want A Lollipop
Sophia is 2 years 5 months! One day she noticed there were no more lollipops in the jar. So she calls her daddy at work to ask him where they are because she wants one.
Crocodiles in Love
With snout rubbing and bubble blowing, two saltwater crocodiles court one another.
I Am Canadian - We Have Some Nice Beaver
Sure they have nice beavers up there!!!
Weird creatures feed on plankton - Blue Planet - BBC
In the height of the day, Petrels perform a weird and wonderful dance on the sea surface to feed on yellow-fin tuna eaggs and other tiny plankton. Once the sun has set, bizzarre glowing jellyfish spring from the ocean depths to feed on the tiny life that floats on the waves.
Guinea Pigs Save the World in 'G-Force'
Jerry Bruckheimer's first foray into animation and 3D tells the story of a group of government agents who happen to be guinea pigs. Nicolas Cage and Tracy Morgan voice two of the rodents.

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