Thursday, February 21, 2013

Video top de la semana: New cell phone feature: crime deterrent

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New cell phone feature: crime deterrent
Most people know that US cell phones are now less advanced than mobile phones and services in other countries. Sprint, a leading cellular network, jokingly suggests that their cell phone can be used as a weapon.
Plain White Ts - Hey There Delilah
Hey There Delilah is one of the most popular tunes right now. It is an ode by a singer to his girlfriend who has remained at college while he is traveling at the beginning of his singing career.
Mattafix - Living Darfur
This thoughtful video is currently popular in Italy, and highlights the suffering of the people of Darfur in the horrific civil war.
Protect your Doritos
Roommates are common during college and the first few years of working, and they are always fighting about sharing food. This guy goes a little to far to protect his Doritos, however.
YouTube Hands Out Awards To Internet's Stars
YouTube has handed out its first awards to some of the Internet's brightest stars. Jamie Byrne of YouTube's marketing department and winners sit down with Harry Smith. (

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