Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Video top de la semana: Requested by kenmine: Eminem - Lose Yourself

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Requested by kenmine: Eminem - Lose Yourself
"Lose Yourself" is a hip hop song written and produced by Eminem. It was released in 2002 as part of the soundtrack to the Academy Award-winning film 8 Mile, also starring Eminem.
Mom is Santa!
As parents, we all try to prolong the period in which our kids believe in Santa. These kids' innocent view of the world has ended in more ways than one!
Barack Obama speaks at Google
Barack Obama discusses "Net Neutrality" at Google. This is a principal by which telecommunication providers allow all types of network traffic travel on their networks.
Republican Debate: How to deal with Iran
Congressman Ron Paul answers a hypothetical question about a standoff with Iran.
Democratic Debate: Would you visit enemy countries?
Many people feel that Obama's response was indicative of his lack of experience in foreign affairs. Hillary took a more traditional stance.

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