Friday, October 28, 2011

Video top de la semana: MoneyWatch (CBS News) Nov 13, 2007

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MoneyWatch (CBS News) Nov 13, 2007
Alexis Christoforous reports on the continued fallout on Wall Street; home sales and crude oil; unclaimed gift card money; and airport congestion over Thanksgiving.
Even apes drink Bud Light
One of these talking apes has a well thought out plan to steal some beer, but the other is too busy posing for the zoo's visitors.
Super Bowl Beer Commercial
Companies try to show their most creative commercials during the Super Bowl, American footballs' championship game. Of course, many of those companies are beer brands, and they generally use comedy in their messages. It isn't clear that this commercial was ever broadcast.
Protect your Doritos
Roommates are common during college and the first few years of working, and they are always fighting about sharing food. This guy goes a little to far to protect his Doritos, however.
Class Mencia
Bud Light Class Mencia Super Bowl Commercial
Mother's Day
Greg forgets that it's Mother's Day!
MoneyWatch (CBS News)
Alexis Christoforous reports that New Century Financial has filed for bankruptcy protection; AirTran increases its bid for Midwest Airlines to $389 million; and Hershey dampens merger speculation. (
Eye To Eye: Barack Obama On Presidential Campaign
Katie Couric presents Tracy Smith's interview with Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. They spoke about his Alabama trip to celebrate the 1965 civil rights marches and his presidential campaign.
Hitchhiking through horror movies
This video refers to a horror movies of the 1980s where people were killed with axes and chain saws. For a beer, the guy will accept anyone in the car.
Send the girlfriends home!
Need to end your girlfriend's party so that you can watch TV? Just tell them all of the mean things she says behind their backs!
Eye To Eye: The Dog Nut
"The Simpsons" co-creator Sam Simon spends a fortune helping stray canines to a better life. He talks to Morley Safer about his dog shelter and the show that makes it possible.
David Letterman - Earthquake
US journalists are dedicated to protecting their viewers, no matter what the danger!
Magic Refrigerator
American men will go to any length to protect their beer. But you have to think through the consequences or it will backfire!
New Way To Borrow Money
A new online loan company has bypassed banks by matching borrowers with lenders. Anthony Mason reports on how the site has benefited those who couldn't obtain a loan the traditional way.
MoneyWatch (CBS News) Nov 12, 2007
Alexis Christoforous reports on Wall Street's recovery from a volatile week; investors wait for retail sales reports; and Intel prepares to release a new chip that could lower computer prices.
Notebook: Politics & Media
Katie Couric notes that since 1988 the media has covered every step of a candidate towards a White House bid announcement, and wonders whether it's information overload.
Eye To Eye: Eric Clapton
Only On The Web: Eric Clapton tells John Blackstone he is not as good as he used to be, and discusses the making of his new album, "The Road To Escondido." Then Katie Couric files her notebook.
New cell phone feature: crime deterrent
Most people know that US cell phones are now less advanced than mobile phones and services in other countries. Sprint, a leading cellular network, jokingly suggests that their cell phone can be used as a weapon.
A rapper's daydreams
Rap is a tough-to-understand form of English, even for Americans. Kevin Federline is a famous rapper, but here we can see how his life might have turned out if he weren't so lucky!
Plain White Ts - Hey There Delilah
Hey There Delilah is one of the most popular tunes right now. It is an ode by a singer to his girlfriend who has remained at college while he is traveling at the beginning of his singing career.
Still Fiddling In the Ozarks
A fiddle maker in the Ozark Mountains, interviewed 30 years ago by CBS' Charles Kuralt, is still carving away at her creations at the age of 90. Sharyn Alfonsi reports. (
Katie Couric's Notebook: Words Matter
Katie Couric reflects on the power of language and concludes that, political correctness aside, offensive speech should not be tolerated.
YouTube Hands Out Awards To Internet's Stars
YouTube has handed out its first awards to some of the Internet's brightest stars. Jamie Byrne of YouTube's marketing department and winners sit down with Harry Smith. (
Eye to Eye: Norah Jones On Her Musical Style
In a "60 Minutes" interview with Katie Couric, Grammy Award-winning singer Norah Jones talks about her musical style and the unique sound of her voice.
Mattafix - Living Darfur
This thoughtful video is currently popular in Italy, and highlights the suffering of the people of Darfur in the horrific civil war.
Los Angeles Kings @ Anaheim Ducks 3/18/07
Microsoft's Vista Copies Apple OS?
Only On The Web: New York Times technology columnist David Pogue shows Daniel Sieberg the similarities between Microsoft's Vista and Apple's most recent operating system
Consumer Addicts
Correspondent Anthony Mason and CBS News Executive Producer Rome Hartman discuss a bleak report on American savings, which is getting worse very fast.

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