Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Video top de la semana: FedEx commercial - Not What It Seems

Estimad@ ProfTed,

yappr.com acaba de estrenar los siguientes nuevos vídeos, cada uno transcrito totalmente en inglés y traducido al Español:

FedEx commercial - Not What It Seems
It's also called satire. It shows how silly it would be if literal assumptions were true for all names. i.e...You assume ground travel is slow by the name but it's actually fast.
Dolphin Parenting
Like father, like son. Or in this case, like mother, like dolphin calf!
Katie Couric's Notebook: Texting And Driving
Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers, and cell phones are being blamed more and more these days.
Popeye the Sailor: Cookin with Gags
The boys are taking Olive on a picnic. It's April 1st, and Bluto plays a series of "jokes" on Popeye, though of course they go beyond the bounds of acceptability.
Helen Hunt on David Letterman
Helen Hunt is an American Emmy-, Golden Globe-, and Academy Award-winning actress, widely known for her role in the television sitcom "Mad About You" and her Academy Award-winning role in the movie "As Good As It Gets".
I'm A PC 1
Microsoft commerical for Personal Commuters.

Por favor venga y visítenos en yappr.com.

chief yappr

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